Friday 5 October 2018

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How To Become A Millionaire In 6 Steps:
Write down all of your ideas to make more money
Take time to relax and reflect on your financial goals
Gain financial independence using the magic wand technique
Project forward and think back on your financial goals
Practice “Mind-storming” on all your problems
Save your money until you have a million dollars
Here are the details for these 6 exercises which will bring clarity to your life and help you figure out how to become a millionaire and achieve financial independence:

1) How To Make More Money: Start By Writing Down Your Ideas
Buy a spiral notebook. Carry it with you if you possibly can, and write down every idea that comes to you throughout the day. Review this idea log on a regular basis. Sometimes, one idea that you have while you are driving along, sitting, reading, watching television, or in a conversation may be the insight that will lead to the start of your fortune. If your goal is to make more money, write down all of your ideas as to how you will achieve this goal. The rule is, “Catch the idea and write it down.” If you don’t write it down fast, you will very often lose it.

2) Goal Setting: Relax And Reflect On Your Financial Goals
Take regular time-outs to relax and reflect on your goals and the obstacles that are holding you back from achieving them. During these times of relaxation, ideas will often pop into your mind that can save you hours, days, and sometimes years of hard work.

3) Gaining Financial Independence Using The Magic Wand Technique
Practice the exercise of fantasizing on a regular basis. Sometimes this is called the “magic wand technique.” Imagine that you have a magic wand and you can wave it over your current situation or problem. Imagine that as a result of waving this magic wand, all the obstacles are removed from between you and your financial goals.

4) Project Forward And Think Back On Your Financial Goals
Imagine that your goal is to build a successful business in a particular field. Project forward three to five years and imagine that you now have a successful business in that field. What would it look like? How big would it be? What kind of people would you be working with? What kind of reputation would you have in the marketplace? What would be your level of sales and profitability? How would you be running this business? And especially, what could you start doing right now to make this future dream a reality.

5) How To Become A Millionaire By Practicing “Mind-Storming” On Every Problem
Perhaps the most powerful method of stimulating creative thinking is called “mind-storming,” or the 20-idea method. More people have become wealthy, including me, using this idea more than any other method of creative thinking ever discovered. In fact, this technique alone could enable you to gain financial independence.The method is simple. Take any problem or goal that you have and write it at the top of a sheet of paper in the form of a question. For example, if your goal is to double your income over the next 12 months, then you would write, “How can I double my income over the next 12 months?” You then discipline yourself to write at least 20 answers to that question. You can write more than 20 answers if you like, but you must use your discipline and willpower to write at least 20 answers.

6) Save Your Money And Become A Millionaire
One of the easiest way would be if you were to save $100 per month, from the time you started work

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